The four-month period of May through August of 1862 witnessed 32 men captured (35 for the yerar), or 31.25% of the total, dropping to 25 for the whole year of 1863.
The number of men taken prisoner rose dramatically in the first six months of 1864 reaching 39 before consolidation. Following consolidation with the Fifth Michigan on June 10, 1864, another 6 would be captured on June 22, 1864, and if we include them with the prisoners taken in the first six months of 1864, that number jumps to 44, or 47% of all Third Michigan captured., some 22 former members of the Third Michigan were taken prisoner, on day, October 27, 1864 at Boydton Plank road, Virginia.
Thus, a total of 135 men of the Old Third Michigan infantry were taken prisoners of war during wartime.
By far the highest number captured was 27 during the week of May 5-12, 1864, during the Wilderness-Spotsylvania campaign in Virginia, followed by 19 between June 30 and July 2, 1862, during the Peninsula Campaign. Ten men were taken prisoner at Chancellorsvile on May 3, 1863, and only 4 at Gettysburg on July 2, and 9 were captured at Mine Run, Virginia on November 30.
Overall, during the years 1861-1864:
A lost 12 men captured
B 7
C 20
D 7
E 16
F 8
G 3
H 6
I 6
K 12
The company average for those men who had served in the Old Third was 12 captured during the war. The “high scorer” was C company with 20 men taken prisoner, and the lowest was Company G with 3.
Next: the wounded
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